Public School Review
All Western Australian public schools are reviewed by the Dept of Educations Public School Accountability directorate. A review gives assurance to local community, the Minister for Education and Training and the Director General about the performance of public schools in delivering high quality education to students. The review acknowledges the achievements of the school and gives feedback to support the Principal and staff with improvement planning.
CJ SC ESC was reviewed in Term 3 2023. The full report is available to download on the link below.
Annual Reports
Each year, the school provides a report to the Director General of Education and the school community which summarises a range of school business activities. These include a summary of the school's finances, student performance and achievements, and school highlights.
The full 2022 Annual Report is available to download on the link below.
Mobile Phone Policy
Cyril Jackson SC ESC follows the Department of Education’s mobile phone policy. This policy places a ban on the use of mobile phones for all students from the time they arrive at school to the end of the school day. The policy aims to reduce distractions in class and improve student engagement.
If students need to contact their parents/ carers, they can do so through the school’s administration. Likewise, if parents/carers need to get a message to their children, please contact the school directly on 9413 4850.
Camp and Excursion Policy
At CJ SC ESC we create opportunities for students to learn outside of their classroom. Students must stick to the code of conduct to ensure safety. Excursions are a wonderful opportunity to put into practise skills that have been taught in the classroom into a real-life context. Camps are a perfect opportunity to develop leadership skills and teamwork. We see much growth in students in this context as they attempt activities they have never tried before, pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones and in doing so increasing their self-confidence and resilience.
Attendance Policy
It is a requirement that parents/carers notify the Centre no later than 8.30am if their child will be late or not attending that day along with a reason for their absence, and their expected date of return. Please text our MGM Outreach mobile service on 0488 916 843 or call the Centre on 9413 4850 to notify of your child's absence.
If your child is unwell on a Workplace Learning day, please call the WPL team on 0460 031 542 or 9413 4854.