Our School Principal leads educational initiatives and overall school management of our staff and the school site alongside establishing and maintaining a supportive school environment and culture for lifelong learning.
Our Deputy Principal works collaboratively alongside the Principal to provide educational leadership in curriculum and student engagement in the school and the community.
Our MCS works alongside the Leadership team to establish and be responsive to the financial, digital, physical and human resource processes of the school.
Our School Officer is responsible for admissions, enrolments and attendance tracking and ensuring that our communication processes and school publications are updated and current.
Our Workplace Learning Coordinators create well established work placement opportunities for students, adhering to policy and completing relevant paperwork alongside monitoring and assessing students in the workplace. Our Coordinators also support parents with NDIS planning and run our Support@bility sessions.
Our Student Wellbeing Officer supports the emotional well-being of students through the provision of Pastoral Care Services and is available to talk to and assist students, parents and staff with family, personal, emotional and spiritual issues.