Literacy & Numeracy
We provide students with opportunities to develop essential literacy, numeracy and communication skills needed to access a range of post-school pathways. Our students are taught to recognise the functionality of numeracy and literacy in everyday life and in familiar and unfamiliar situations.
We have implemented a Literacy Committee which is trailing a comprehensive suite of assessments in all areas of Literacy and exploring various evidence-based Literacy programs to ensure improvements in student outcomes.
Our school is committed to improving Literacy and Numeracy results as a priority for 2024.
Students are engaged in Literacy and Numeracy programs that are aligned to the Preliminary Units in English and Mathematics.
At Cyril Jackson SC ESC students engage in STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths with an approach which guide students through the inquiry process, as they engage in critical thinking and deep discussion about their learning. Students participate in guided investigations and are encouraged to produce creative solutions to everyday problems. This hands-on approach engages the students in their learning and promotes a growth mindset. The students have the opportunity to use the 3D printer, robotics and a variety of digital technologies to assist in their learning.
Physical Education & Health
Students at Cyril Jackson ESC engage in various Physical Education Programs that support our diverse range of students. We have a specialist PE teacher who delivers a varied Preliminary Unit curriculum including a wide variety of sport options including Football, Basketball, Cricket and Soccer. Our Health curriculum aligns to the West Australian Curriculum and is supported by our School Nurse.
“We all have the right to feel safe at all times. We can talk with someone about anything no matter what it is”
Bushranger Cadets Program
Bush Rangers WA is a conservation and community development endorsed program. It gives our students the opportunities to take an active role in conserving their environment and and an understanding of the importance of participating in this way to make a difference to our future landscape. Students are given the opportunity to take leadership roles, work in teams and how to problem solve via practical learning. It includes our annual camp, held in term 3 or 4. The camp is the highlight for students, and it is an experience they will not forget in their lifetime.
ASDAN is a SCSA Endorsed Program offered to our students. Courses/ modules are designed to develop skills for learning, work and life with practical and accessible instruction which supports and acknowledges independence.
ASDAN on offer in 2024 includes:
- Personal Care Routines
- Photography
- Practical Workshop
Workplace Learning
Workplace Learning is an Authority-developed Endorsed Program (ADWPL) that is managed by individual schools. To complete this endorsed program, a student works in one or more real workplaces to develop a set of transferable skills.
Students record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the workplace in the authority’s workplace learning logbook. The student must also provide evidence of their knowledge and understanding of the workplace skills by completing the authority’s workplace learning skills journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace.
All year 11,12 and 13 students participate in the Workplace Learning program. Students are placed in a workplace that aligns with their career aspirations and interests. Goals include the ability to work in a team and autonomously, effective communication and self-management skills and skills generic to the chosen industry area.
All students MUST WEAR ENCLOSED SHOES and suitable clothing at their work placement. No singlets. Information regarding WPL (WORKPLACE LEARNING) will be sent home in due course and an annual WPL Parent Information session will take place at the beginning of the year – see Calendar.
Please note - in the first instance it will be a parental responsibility to transport their child to and from Work Placement, or their child to travel there independently. This will be discussed on an individual basis.
Simulated Workplace Learning
These programs have been developed to prepare students for work using real experiences in school.
Our Simulated Workplaces include:
In Bike@bility, students will learn all aspects of bike mechanics and restoration. Highly experienced facilitators and volunteer mentors will ensure that every nut and bolt is covered in this comprehensive course that equips students with a wide range of transferrable work readiness skills.
This program provides a valuable opportunity for our students to gain real skills by catering to the staff, students and visitors within our centre. Participants learn how to prepare food, maintain hygiene, and handle equipment safely, in addition to using an industry standard coffee machine. Taking orders from staff members and prioritising orders provides students with valuable communication and time management skills. Students are involved in the planning and debrief process at the end of each session to continually refine customer service and provide value for money.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Cyril Jackson SC ESC offer a range of VET courses to enable students to develop industry specific and work readiness skills through Nationally Accredited Certificate Courses. Courses on offer in 2024 include:
- Certificate I Retail (Auspice: Skills Strategies International and Pathways)
- Certificate I Hospitality (Offsite: Dianella Secondary College)
- Permaculture Skill Set (Auspice: Skills Strategies International and Pathways)
- Certificate I Employment Pathways (Auspice: iVET)
- Certificate II Supply Chain Operations (Offsite: GMS Training Academy)
- Certificate II in Education for Adults 22473VIC (Auspice: Rippponlea Institute (RTO 21230))
- Café Culture Skill Set (Auspice: HGT)
- Certificate II Visual Arts – Skill Set (SIDE RTO)
Students access Art classes delivered by Cyril Jackson Senior Campus Teachers where they can experiment with various mediums to create a range of creative artworks.
Home Economics
Students access Home Economics classes delivered by Cyril Jackson Senior Campus Teachers. During these lessons, students develop their independence in the kitchen by creating simple meals whilst learning about nutritional information of food and basic table etiquette when consuming a shared meal.
Dungeons & Dragons
In Dungeons and Dragons, student learn how to cooperate, communicate and develop relationships through game-based learning. There is a strong focus on relying on other’s strengths to achieve the best possible outcome. Through shared story telling students gain skills on how to create narratives and communicate them both in written and verbal forms. Students also learn about probability and mental mathematics to engage with the mechanics of the game-based learning.